
In recent years, the aviation industry mainly civil and commercial has had a significant boom in Mexico due to the increase in demand for domestic and international public passenger transportation and the creation of new commercial airlines based in the country and financial consolidation and need for efficiency of the Mexican business industry which has required the incorporation of its own air cabs.

RGR has created financial and corporate structures for purchase and sale, pure and financial leasing, loans secured by aircraft, either by mortgage or guarantee trust with the purpose of generating a tailor-made need for each aircraft operator with high resources efficiency, offering benefits, and tax structure optimization.

RGR has created financial arrangements giving creditors loan payback certainty by means of specific court proceedings to be followed and easy recovery of assets in the event of conflict. RGR has also represented world class financial entities.

Consequential to aviation-related agreements -which recently entered into force in Mexico- there are certain rights and obligations which involve aircraft users, owners, lessees and/or lessors, creditors and debtors of loans secured with assets. RGR has given advice to comply with related laws, regulations, and mechanisms as those set forth by the International Registry, located in Dublin, Ireland.